
We love finding new music and sharing it with the world. But don’t take our word for it…
Here’s a few of the nice things people have said about us over the years:

Tim, the founder and editor of The Blue Walrus, was on the panel for the BBC Sound of 2014 and featured has been a “specialist industry tastemaker” for The Panel section of MusicWeek.

The Blue Walrus is regularly featured on BBC 6Music, who have allowed us to introduce a few choice bands on the Tom Robinson’s Now Playing show

The Blue Walrus was featured on state funded German radio station On3 where Tim got to talk about the history of the blog, the name, and a good bit about new music.

The Guardian mentioned “…a brilliant 12-track compilation put together by MP3 blog” and also called us a “good MP3 site..for sampling the old new music”.

The London Evening Standard interviewed us for piece on the emergence of a new genre of music.

We were nominated in 2008 and 2011 Record of the Day Awards in the “Best Blog” category.

The Hype Machine interviewed us in their monthly radio show.

Drowned in Sound see us as supporters of new music

XFM‘s James Hyman talked about us on The Rinse radio show.

MTV Iggy have been enjoying some of our new folk finds from across the globe.

The Chicago Examiner names us as one of the best music blogs and says “…with great editorials, reviews,leaks, and downloads to offer, this blog is pretty stellar”.

Oh…and we’re in the dictionary

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